Monday 21 April 2008

First Carrera GT sold in minutes!!!

Congratulations to Rubi Ichigo for purchasing the first Carrera GT ... minutes after I enabled the vendors! Just been out showing her the ropes, and she's loving it !!!

It was good to eventually start pushing the Carrera GT onto the grid so others can start enjoying it too, and I am pleased to have some really appreciative and happy customers.

9 Carrera GT's were sold on opening day, and it was interesting to meet most of the customers, all interesting people, some with auto-related interests (a couple of car collectors, and a few car builders).

Thanks to all my customers for making Opening day a success!


Anonymous said...

ok this blog is alot of false claims. first real lights. NO syzm motors was first. Rear glowing lights first GCM motors. Crash damage oh yes an unrezzed sculpty. WOW and you want 7k when i can buy better for 500l from pro street with handling scripts and adjustments

Julie Connor said...

ok...wrapguru...first of all, you are rude. No one is forcing you to buy this car, either because you don't like it, or it's too expensive. Or maybe it was just the jealousy talking.. I like it and I bought 2:) If you can buy better for 500....go and buy....